The Team

The story of the two hosts, Chanel and Lisa as well began in the African Wilderness where they not only found each other but also realized, that they share a love for authenticity, true connection, freedom, personal growth and joy. These values became the foundation of beautiful experiences they now wish to share with others.

With Chanel’s extensive experience in organizing international events and retreats, and Lisa’s background in building impactful social projects, NURU was born - a heart project driven by purpose.

At NURU 2025, Chanel and Lisa will collaborate with a strong team of expert facilitators to ensure that each participant embarks on a truly unforgettable journey.

ROOTS team Chanel

Chanel Deuring


Chanel's passion for crafting transformative experiences will shine through by offering you a curated blend of personal growth, connection, and authentic celebration. 

Her professional background in International Sales and Event Management has allowed her to explore and amplify the beauty of connection across the globe.

It is within organizing retreats that Chanel has found her true hearts calling.

She has made personal growth her life’s purpose and honors this purpose by creating immersive spaces for deep personal exploration.

How will she share her passion with you?

By bringing to you a unique curation of magical destinations, inspiring individuals and meaningful experiences.

ROOTS team Lisa

Lisa Boyer-Telmer


Lisa, who was born and raised in Austria, has considered South Africa her second home for more than two decades. Over the course of these 20-plus years, she has grown deeply connected to the country and its people, gaining an intimate understanding of the area and its unique culture.

Her journey in South Africa led her to establish a small nonprofit organization (NPO) near Cape Town, where she has been working closely with the local community.

Through her experiences with the NPO, Lisa was inspired to shift her focus more fully toward contributing to the greater good and spreading love and compassion to those around her. This newfound passion now drives much of what she does, as she aims to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

ROOTS team Lea

Lea Martine Lotz


Meet Lea-Martine Lotz: Your Guide to Authentic Wellness

One thing you have to know about Lea - she brings magic into every room she walks in. When we met, we instantly knew she has to be part of this experience.

For Lea, being happy and healthy is the new cool. As a health coach and food entrepreneur, she combines her passion for cooking with whole-food nutrition and a holistic mindset to help people feel healthy and comfortable in their own bodies—so no one has to choose between enjoyment and health.

Through her podcast focused on self-development, Lea amplifies her impact in helping people live an authentic and fulfilling life.

In this retreat Lea will guide you through a transformative journey towards loving your body from the inside out.

Follow the journey: @lea.martine (IG&TikTok)

ROOTS team Storm

Storm Porteous


Meet Storm Porteous: Your Guide for Yoga, Meditation, Breathwork

Storm has always been deeply intrigued by the human mind and behavior, a curiosity that led her to explore Eastern traditions like Buddhism, Daoism, and Hinduism. These philosophies deeply resonated with Storm's own observations of nature and the interconnectedness of all things.

After studying various practices including Yoga, Meditation, Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Body Talk and Neuro-Lingustic Programming she has come to understand the deep connection between humans and the nature around them.

“Rewilding”, as Storm has come to understand, involves rekindling the relationship with nature and awakening the senses and intuition through practices like Yoga, Meditation, and Breathwork in wild settings to connect you to your true essence of being.